Logo for: Moran Environmental Recovery

Small Steps

Improving Sustainability Practices Throughout the MER Companies

Energy Conservation

Field offices and operating facility lights are powered by motion detectors to turn lights on and off to conserve energy when space is not in use. LED lights are used in most locations.

Energy audits are regularly conducted through our local utility suppliers across all businesses and strategies are developed to ensure the ongoing reduction of energy usage.


MER’s rolling stock includes over 450 vehicles that are equipped with GPS systems and are monitored by regional central logistics coordinators to ensure compliance and overall operating fuel efficiency.

MER makes substantial capital investments each year to ensure our fleet and equipment meet the most stringent air quality and noise standards and requirements.

Reduce & Recycle

We utilize technology to streamline many of our operations, both in the field and in the office, to reduce the amount of paper usage. We are working towards achieving our goal of being paperless in our field operations.

Employee orientations, handbooks, and other administrative publications and documents are provided in digital format and as online resources.

All offices in all locations utilize paper, plastic, and cardboard recycling capabilities and purchase recycled office supply products when available.

We have installed a PURE water filtration system in all Resource Centers where it is available, saving an estimated 15,000 plastic water bottles from going into landfills or oceans each year. We continue to move towards eliminating single-use plastic company-wide.

Environmental Leadership

Many of our employees belong to, serve on the boards of, and are active participants in, national and regional environmental organizations. Some of these organizations include the Spill Control Association of America and the Edison Electric Institute.

MER in the Community

Our employees frequently participate in local community environmental and educational initiatives in the many diverse communities where we are located. This includes organizing and participating in clean up and environmental impact initiatives, and lending our expertise by participating in youth educational programs as well as Earth Day events.

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