Logo for: Moran Environmental Recovery

Environmental Stewardship

2023 Earth Day Event

Once again, this year, Moran participated in The Great Global Cleanup this April to celebrate Earth Day.

Below is an excerpt of a letter from the administrator of Earth Day and the Great Global Cleanup in recognition of our participation:

“Your commitment and hard work have made a significant impact on the environment and our communities. Together, we've taken a giant step towards a waste-free world.

To read more click here ...


2022 Earth Day Event

This year's Earth Day theme was "Invest in our Planet." We took that initative to the next level and held a company wide clean-up across the nation. WIth over 15 clean-ups, across 7 business units and over 3 tons of trash collected, our team Invested into our Planet!

To see how everyday is Earth Day here at MER check out our 2022 Earth Day Video here...


MER Celebrates 50th Anniversary Earth Day 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MER and its employees celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day a little differently this year. Employees are spending more time at home right now and many have started new traditions by creating their own unique efforts in making the Earth a more sustainable environment. MER-Louisville's, Samantha Troutman, wrote a very interesting and creative opinion article on inventive ways to celebrate Earth Day, even when it is over. Click to read Samantha's article. 

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