Logo for: Moran Environmental Recovery


Moran Environmental Recovery, LLC (MER) works with government agencies, oil spill cooperatives, and spill managers to provide specialized services and to assist in the development of plans and programs which help mitigate environmental risks. These relationships have developed, in-part, due to the many regulatory agencies which govern our operations and our pre-qualified status with various agencies/consultants and engineers.

Specialized in:

State/Local Government:

  • Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • Department of Health (DOH)
  • Local Municipalities   

Federal Government:

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  • United States Coast Guard (USCG)
  • National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


  • Consultants/Engineers
  • Oil Spill Cooperatives
  • Spill Managers

Why MER:

Government clients need their projects handled properly, safely, in accordance with all regulatory requirements, efficiently and thoroughly. MER has carved its niche in this industry by being a company that is trusted, reliable, and delivers performance-based service. Our combined capabilities include Water Recovery, Drummac, and Global Diving & Salvage, each providing specialized services. MER is a proven leader in spill response and preparedness management. 

Unique Qualifications:

Our dedicated and experienced professionals provide assurance to our clients that each project will be performed as planned, and safely. 

Specialized Services:

To learn more about our qualifications in this area, please use the link on the left to Speak to a Member of our Team, and one of our experts will contact you shortly.

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